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Seeking Progress, Not Perfection

Do you ever have one of those weeks where you just want to stand in the middle of the street and scream in anger and frustration? Yeah, that was me this last weekend. I share this with you not for sympathy, but to explain that none of us are perfect and your Energy & Sound Healing Practitioners are as human and flawed as the next person and I'll never claim to be otherwise!

I got a call last week that required me to book a flight to New York (I live on the West Coast) the same day to support my daughter. I won't share all the details about this, but I will say that she was not physically harmed, but as her Mom, I needed to be there. Physically, this was a grueling and painful trip for me. Emotionally, it was extremely exhausting and frustrating.


Generally speaking, I'm usually a pretty "cool cucumber" these days. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, "think loving thoughts" (as my Grandma Betty used to say), see all sides of a conflict, and trust that things will turn out well. I was having NONE of that this last weekend though.  I was MAD (not at my daughter, but at the people she was on the trip with). I'm not one of those parents who thinks their kids can do no wrong, but I truly felt there were some injustices and mismanagement of the trip that contributed to the situation being what it was.

I was angry for my daughter because she wasn't getting the support she needed, I was angry for our family because of the added expense of the trip at a time when 2024 has already kicked our financial rear-end, and angry for myself for a number of other reasons. I completely blanked on so much of my training and self-care activities.

As a result, I brought home my very own souvenir from the trip - COVID.

Now, the thing is, I could be mad at myself for that. I could "beat myself up" for not doing all the things I tell others to do to stay grounded and calm, but what good does that do? It doesn't change the experience I had and certainly doesn't help my energy system untangle the trauma - it just tightens the strings to make it harder to release. 

So what am I doing to release my lingering anger from the trip as well as the fatigue, muscle pain, and sinus congestion from COVID?

  1. I'm reminding myself that I'm human and it's OK that I'm not perfect. It's OK that I was (am) angry and frustrated. It's OK that I forgot my training for a time.

  2. Similar to the last time I had COVID, doing Donna Eden's Daily Energy Routine is too much for me at the moment. So, I'm going through every step of the routine in a meditative state since I find it hard to do physically. Thankfully, I've done it enough physically that's it's easy to do mentally.

  3. I'm booking a session with my Naturopath for bodywork - she uses a modality different from mine and I find it to be very supportive.

  4. I'm taking time to rest - going to bed early, allowing myself to sleep in, and taking naps when I need it.

  5. Listening to Eileen McKusick's "Viruses - Acute and Long Haul" on repeat.

I hope that this helps remind you that it's OK to be a work in progress!

You were born to be real. Not perfect.


© 2024 by Awakening Resilience, LLC

Sound and Energy Healing Practitioner | Portland, Oregon

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